Walking in Contemplation...

I have the privilege now, to walk at a slower pace. And so I have consciously slowed my life down. I desire to breathe, to know, to feel. I welcome Presence, even in the uncomfortable moments.

I long to learn, to grow, to discover and so I read. I take long walks. I pause to capture beauty. I contemplate, which is my prayer. I practice yoga. I write. I paint. I notice. I am awake and I depend on those who really know me, to call me out when I am blind to myself. I am not afraid of my shadow.

Life has rushed at me over the years. Sometimes knocking my feet off the sandy shore, pulling me out into the blue abyss; tossing my tumbled, salt soaked body about like a rag doll. Until, finally I stopped and accepted my life, only then did Joy and Peace rush in filling my lungs with loving oxygen. I could now begin letting go.

It is my life long practice. Let Go. Trust. Acceptance.

My intent with this blog is to write openly, vulnerably and authentically about my journey. The past. The present. The always imperfect now. The future? It is yet unknown.

Join me. Walk beside me as we explore and share, as we experience Love together.

I am grateful you are here.