
This is a safe space for reflection, questions, intention setting, growth and healing. There is no judgement of self or others here.

Enjoy looking around. Contact me if you have questions.

Carl Jung wrote that the privilege of a lifetime is to become who we truly are. This website was created with my offerings to help you in seeking your true, authentic self. Every human is sacred and each human essence is whole. The discovery of this is our journey.

Whether it’s one on one somatic spiritual direction with me, practicing yoga together, taking my art or embodiment experiential workshops; I vow to honor and respect your wisdom, learn from you as you learn from me and help guide you towards your True Self and your innate inner wisdom.

The journey of becoming our authentic selves is a lifelong practice. I invite you to join me.

I look forward to meeting you. Let’s explore together. 

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“Nothing is owed to us, everything is given to us. We were not created to possess or own, but to “Be With”…~The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, commentary by Jean-Yves Leloup