Somatic Spiritual Companion

Somatic refers to body.

Spirituality is our development and deepening of and into the meaning of life.

Companioning may be described as accompanying another person on their journey.

A Somatic Spiritual Companion seeks to serve the whole person: mind, body, spirit to help them cultivate their spirituality and authentic self. Spirituality is what we do with our vital life force, solidly set on the foundation of the Divine within each human being.

Our body is not separate, it is constantly interacting with the environment and relationships. And it has incredible wisdom. In Western culture, the connection to the body and the inner landscape have been traditionally ignored. Thankfully, this is shifting.

Somatic Spiritual Companioning is not therapy, counseling, or mental health care.

My Companioning practice is informed by my understanding of Christian mysticism, some Buddhism, Yoga practices, Somatic Trauma Therapies, Somatic Attachment Therapy, with Inner Relationship Focusing and continuing education with the Somatic Experiencing Institute® along with my own personal growth experiences.

​I enjoy working with individuals who find themselves feeling displaced from fundamental and/or evangelical Christianity. Perhaps what once worked, no longer does in this complex world. Perhaps, there are many questions and a feeling of confusion. This may feel frightening and I am here to support you as we listen deeply together.

Perhaps you have a different background and simply wish to be accompanied as you journey in your life. Perhaps you feel stuck and need another to listen deeply and invite you into flow again, invite into a deeper connection with yourself. I work with persons from all faith traditions and no faith traditions.

I do not tell you what to believe, how to believe, or even what scripture means. I simply accompany you on your journey of ‘becoming’ while we trust in the unfolding together. We embrace the questions. We explore together. We ask ‘What does it mean to be fully human?’

Reach out to me for a free hour consultation. I work on a sliding scale from $75-$120. Typically, we meet once a month for an hour. It would be an honor to accompany you on your journey. I look forward to hearing from you.

"I highly recommend April as a compassionate and discerning Spiritual Companion. She provided a safe space and guided me through grief and loss, offering deep listening and knowledge of somatic practices. With her help, I connected with my inner self and found peace. Her wisdom, strength, joy and presence are truly remarkable.”