What if...

Someone spoke of God answering or not answering prayers the other day. Is that really what this is all about?

What if it is not about: God answering your prayer or not answering your prayer?
What if it’s about participating with God?
What if it is about living and being in the Flow of Love?
What if it is about suffering with God, as God, alongside God and God suffering with us, as Us and alongside us?
What if it’s about the tiny little miracles that happen inside the pain or despite the pain? The surprisingly, hauntingly beautiful moments that take our breath away.
What if it is about acceptance and letting go?
What if it is about being real and human? Authentic and vulnerable?

These are just some of my thoughts as I ponder the years I fervently prayed for “total, complete, healing” for my son.

Now my prayer consists of sitting in Deep Silence surrounded by Deep Love as I practice Deep Listening. This is where God meets me.

This does not mean I have given up. This means my lens of God has been transformed. I have been transformed. I trust God and allow God to do this to me, bit by bit.