Divine Wisdom and Beauty Emerges

Somatic Spiritual Companioning Package

Buy a Package of 5 Sessions and Get One Session FREE!

We are in unprecedented times. Life is challenging. Do you feel it in your body? Are you more fatigued than usual?

We are made for Community. We are made for Connection. Community is where two or more are gathered together. Community is about Presence, Deep Listening and Noticing what is Emerging.

As a Somatic Spiritual Companion, I accompany you with my whole body: listening, noticing, witnessing what emerges. Together we enter into the Sacred Space of the Divine which resides within each of us.

We create Community. Connection. Healing. Growth.

I offer my complete Presence for an hour. I offer my Somatic Experiencing® knowledge (I’m in training and will be complete in 2025), practices, body scans and awareness. We may delve into feelings, discover parts of ourselves and notice what’s there. I am completely for you and with you.

Purchase my SSC Package of 6 Sessions for the price of 5 Sessions for $549.

We will meet in a rhythm that works for you: once a week, once every two weeks or once a month. You decide.

Still not sure? Then meet with me once for FREE, then decide.

I would love to Hold Loving Space for you.

Email me at: thecontemplativespace@gmail.com